Monday, October 11, 2010

Move Forward

Today is the 3rd day after I burst out the word "Giving Up" and cried for >1 hour, non stop. aiks...

Me (human) are naturally weak, that's why we have many profession to help us face our problems, that's why we have many education system. After all, strength can only gain from within, problem and challenges are there, because we needed it, to become strong.

Step into the challenge

The more you do, the more you're able to do. Your abilities grow stronger as you use them, so your best strategy is to get busy and use them.
The feeling that you cannot do something is often powerful, and can feed upon itself. The way to get beyond it is with action.

Any project you contemplate may at first seem overwhelming. That's understandable, because you haven't even taken the first step.

Once you take that first step, though, the challenge begins to feel more manageable. As soon as you actually begin the effort, you also begin to get better at doing it.

When the mountain is in the distance, it's difficult to imagine how you could climb it. Once you're on the path up the mountain, though, you'll always be able to easily see the next step and take it.

Go ahead and begin the effort. Amaze yourself by discovering how very much you can do.

-- Ralph Marston

It is so difficult to deal with emotions, it only lead me to dig further and causes more emotions.
Mini me, mini me.
Why am I always see the problem as Big?
There's one line from T.Harv Eker:
I am bigger than any problems, I can handle any problems.
It is only part of the process, and it is norm.
It is natural.
Stop digging in, start to move forward.


1 comment:

  1. any level 9 person can progress to a level 10 if he/she finds n solves more level 10 problems.. take care sifu.. :)
