Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Love what we Do

we have way more options today and way more opportunity then we can even handle.

The are more options that we can do, may be we are just doing more things, but are these going to lead us to our destination? I totally agree, there are way more opportunity then I can even handle.

So it’s imperative to do what we love to do, what we truly enjoy. Joy is a clue from the heart, different from pleasure. When you invoke the feeling of joy you’re tapping into your higher nature, your truer self, and the source of your full power, your full creativity, your full wisdom.

Human energy, at its purest form, is love. And that energy transfers just like any other energy. When you’re passionate about something, you don’t have to sell it. You’re simply educating others on something you really believe in, and their lack of enthusiasm doesn’t temper yours, but rather the other way around. If you don’t love what you do, then what the hell are you doing?!

from T. Harv Eker, #1 international best selling author, founder of Peak Potentials

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