Friday, June 3, 2011



Another good read from T. Harv Eker.

I wish to quote some of the paragraphs here..

... anger is one of the bitterest pills you can swallow. It’s the pill that doesn’t dissolve. It just sits there, potentially poisoning any and all good that comes into our lives.

You can’t have a fresh start to a relationship—with people, money or anything else—until you’ve cleaned up that lingering resentment with your parents, spouse, friend, lover, relative or whoever hurt you in the past. If you don’t clean that up first, you’ll drag that hurt with you.

A quote that I really like is from a book called ‘Your Cosmic Destiny’ by W.A. Chapman. It says,

“Holding on to anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.”

...We all do the best we can at any given time. It may not be one of our best moments in life, but it’s the best for that time. Understanding this simple truth makes a huge difference in letting go.
Whatever happened to make us so upset, it’s not the event that has us any more. It’s the story about the event and our choice to keep that story alive. All we have to do is remind ourselves that both us and those we’re angry with were not getting (or perceived we weren’t getting) what we wanted, and both side’s reactions are based in fear. Our conditioning blocks our higher selves from stepping back and looking at things as they are, not as we fear them to be.

When we become aware, though, we now have an opportunity to make new choices. We can consciously choose to come from our higher self
—be the person we know we can be—forgive and move on, remembering that punishing them any longer only hurts us.

So you don’t necessarily forget but you do necessarily forgive. Forgiveness is the key because when you release them from their deed (or non-deed as may be the case) you automatically release yourself from the anger and negative emotion around that deed.

Read the full article from T. Harv Eker Blog.. Forgiveness

Honestly, I hold on some resentment to this guy, and... when this person asks questions, I ''purposely'' do not want to give straightforward answer.
Because, he purposely hold me responsible and always hold on my sentences, "nah, last time u said this, why now...." and remind me that I made a mistake, in front of me, in the public.

I totally understand that people sometimes are just blunt, ignorant, and some people have good heart, some have different thoughts, and people do not wish to do something with bad intention... and from this article, I learn that I have to put it down, forgive him, and forgive myself. We do not mean something bad, we do not want to hurt others, we simply DONT KNOW.

Forget is not a solution, but FORGIVE.

I am aware of my emotion, limitation, and how I wished I could also tell him that I don't feel good, so that he can improve.
I hope, my friends, partners, family, could also be honest with me, tell me that I did something wrong, and let me have another opportunity to learn, and grow, and improve.

I will do it better next time.