Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have opened a blog post from T.Harv Eker for weeks, the Google Chrome tab is always there and I didn’t read it until this morning… I guess there is some important message needed to be delivered to me, and yes, it arrives at the RIGHT time.

Embrance change.

Accept changes.

Live Happily.


Source: New Year, New Changes: Will You Go With The Flow or Fight It?

Happy New Year! I am excited to share with you exciting, new journeys and experiences as 2012 reveals itself to all of us.

With each new year comes changes big and small . . . whether we like it or not! And because change is inevitable, and because we have just entered a new year, I wanted to touch on this subject just a little deeper.

Sometimes we love change, like a new job, a new relationship, or moving to a new city. Sometimes we hate change, especially when it’s not our choice or out of our control. In that case, we’d rather stick with what we know, even though it may no longer apply to our reality.

Either way, change is not always easy, is it? Why is change difficult for most of us? Because change means that we are forced out of our comfort zones, which is why it can be so difficult to embrace.

Here’s a clue: if what you’ve been looking for was where you’ve been looking, you’d have already found it! (Read that sentence one more time, it’s a good one.) Doing more of the same harder and longer is usually not the answer. Willingness to change usually creates better results.

It’s true—in many ways, reality is what we make it. Regardless if change is chosen or forced, one of the first steps to change is changing how you think. What you focus on expands because not only are you thinking it, but then you’re feeling and doing, even if you’re not always aware of it.

In other words, if you think change is going to suck, you’ll feel that, you’ll end up acting like it, then that change will end up exactly as you thought. But if you think, “Something good can actually come out of this,” you’re inviting more favorable results. Adapting to change then becomes easier and less stressful because you’re not focusing on the discomfort of the unpredictable.

This year, when change comes your way (because it will no matter what), treat change as a gift, even when it comes unexpectedly.

To Read the full article by T. Harv Eker, go to this link:


  1. i like to read t. harv alot too.. i guess we share a common in terest.. :)

    the buddha had taught "impermanence".. the only certainty in life is change..

    sometimes people may misunderstand change and seek change outwards.. we may wanna change an environment.. changing jobs.. change the people we be friends with.. or worst, some may wish to change their spouse too!!

    sometimes we fall into the trap of quick fixing our lives way too often.. a beneficial or real change can only happen if it is first led in the mind by loving kindness and compassion to all.. metta..

    "if what you’ve been looking for was where you’ve been looking, you’d have already found it!" this is a nice statement.. n one that is of hope.. perhaps we need not change our environments.. perhaps we have already found our life partner.. right there next to us.. perhaps he's thinking of u right now.. missing u and loving u every moment of his day n life..

    perhaps all we need is to change the way we love and conduct our life.. perhaps doing more of the same harder and longer may not always be the answer.. but what if we're just one more day away from our final destination after travelling together for so long a journey with so much hope and goals n love from the very beginning?

    change perhaps may not equate quitting and starting over.. change perhaps would mean that we explore new ways.. strengthen old strengths and discard our weaknesses.. growing our happiness together and helping each other become stronger and happier in life.. n supporting each other to kick that habit that has always made us unfulfilled and dissatisfied all the time in the cycle of sufferings.. samsara..

    i'm hopeful about the changes we will embrace this coming year.. perhaps we'll be trading in different set ups.. in different market conditions or behaviors.. but we need not abandon this market or change the market we trade in.. we just need a different trade set up but loving the very same instruments that we have loved n traded since the very the beginning..

    perhaps we need not change our partners.. but instead loving him in another creative different ways.. u need not try even.. just embrace the changes of love towards him n perhaps he will surprise u all over again.. n the love between u n him may see a renewed n stronger bond that will hold u even tighter n even more in love with one another..

    i appreciate that i still may write a line or TWO or MORE on ur blog here... hehehe... i wish u the best in trading and more so in love and in life..

    -jc- forever :)

  2. JC and Ayumi,

    No matter what change it will be.....let it be the better one always.....I wish you all the best....

